Your big day is filled with many things. Saying “I do” to the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with, delicious food, endless dancing, and to ensure that the day stays in your memories forever – the wedding photos.
While no one ever forgets when they walk down the aisle, one bride and groom will definitely not, and they have the photos to prove it!
The bridal couple – named Murat Zhurayev and Kamilla – had been posing for pictures when the groom decided he wanted to go the extra mile and strike a ‘dramatic and artsy’ pose. Unfortunately, things didn’t go according to plan as the groom slipped and both of them ended up lying in a muddy slime caused by a flash rainstorm in Almaty.

Photographer Askar Bumaga was there to capture the entire moment, which has since garnered more than 41 000 likes on Instagram. The images show the bridal couple landing in the mud, turning Kamilla’s from a traditional white to a muddy brown. A pained expression can be seen sprawled across her face, but this soon gives way to laughter.
Looking on the bright side of things, at least the couple has some memorable photos!

So, just why were they in the mud anyway?
“My main specialisation is the photography of lovers and weddings. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years.
“I planned this photo shoot as an experiment. Unfortunately, or fortunately, such failures, the mistakes of others and random situations attract more attention than standard photo sessions against the background of a beautiful sunset,” said photographer Bumaga.

“The photo shoot itself took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan. No one was injured during the filming of this project.”
Thankfully, all’s well that ends well!

Feature Image: Askar Bumaga / Instagram