Bridal bouquet shapes

Bridal bouquet shapes

Choosing your bridal bouquet may seem like one of the simplest things to do for your wedding but it may not be. Flower types, matching with your dress, and arrangements are all things you have to consider.

Another thing you should keep in mind is the shape you’d prefer. If you’re not sure what shapes are available, then this may be of some help to you.

Here are some shape options for your bridal bouquet:

– Composite Bouquet 

Constructed using hundreds of single petals all wired together, this bouquet is made to look like one extra large flower. This can end up being quite and expensive option, but it adds a unique touch of elegance that you don’t often see.

– Cascade bouquet

Also known as a shower bouquet, this one is quite traditional and very stylish. The flowers are arranged in such a way that they seem as though they’re flowing over the bride’s hands. Often, these bouquets are quite large, and so may be a little inconvenient to lug around on your wedding day. They are, however, great for photos.

– Fan bouquet 

Adding a vintage-feel, this bouquet is simply a plastic fan intertwined with flowers and leaves. This one will stand out from the rest, as it is a very uncommon choice.

– Basket Bouquet

If you’re having a garden wedding, this one is perfect for you. Flowers are arranged in a basket of whatever shape you prefer. Not only does it add a touch of rustic-vibes, it also generally ensures that your bridal flowers don’t wild and thus last longer.

– Presentation Bouquet 

This one is perfect for the glamorous bride. Otherwise known as the sheath bouquet, this one is striking because of the long stemmed flowers used to create it. A bride carries a presentation bouquet in a specific way – cradled in her arms like a beauty queen who just received her prize.

– Pomander bouquet 

While this one is quite uncommon for brides, it could add a touch of originality to your outfit. The pomander is a ball of flowers carried by a loop of ribbon.

– Biedermeier Bouquet 

Named after a European style of interior design, the biedermeier bouquet is all about symmetry and drama. Flowers are organised in tight, concentric circles of contrasting coloured blooms.

– Nosegay Bouquet 

One of the more structured shapes of bouquets, this one is smaller and easy to carry. Flowers are cut to the same length, tightly packed together, and wrapped in ribbon or lace.

– Hand-tied bouquets 

Also known as a posy, this bouquet is exactly as it’s name suggests – a bunch of flowers, grouped together in an unstructured manner, and tied.

Image: Unsplash 

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