Bride scams wedding guests

Bride scams wedding guests

One thrifty bride-to-be took all her would-be wedding guests for a ride.

Apparently, she and her husband opted for a crowd-funded wedding, then cancelled the wedding after receiving over USD 30 000 (over R440 000!) and pocketed the money. Friends and family alike were outraged, and understandably so.

According to Digg, the would-be bride posted a message to a Facebook group to say that the wedding has been canelled for now, but did not provide concrete reasons why. Screenshots from her Facebook message were posted to Reddit. In the meantime, the couple plan to use the money for a “honeymoon”, after which they will supposedly reschedule the wedding. Here’s the best part: They said they will re-open the fund once the wedding had been rescheduled to welcome any further donations.

Credit: Reddit

Some guests, who have already gotten leave for the supposed wedding, were very upset and called the bride “greedy”. She responded by saying she felt attacked, and that since they donated the money as a gift, it doesn’t matter how she spends it.

This after loved ones selflessly donated hard earned money for what they believed was a worthy cause. Beware ladies and gents. No good deed goes unpunished.

Image: Unsplash

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