What to do if you can't sleep in the days before your wedding

What to do if you can’t sleep in the days before your wedding

Weddings are exciting, but they can also be super stressful. Brides are often so wrapped in the planning and details of their big day that they forget to take care of the most important detail, their health – and more specifically, their sleep.

Sleep deprivation can trigger anxiety and stress, making it difficult for you to feel your best on your wedding day, as well as the weeks and months leading up to it. Preparing for your wedding is a joyous time, and you should enjoy it well-rested.

Of course, stress itself also contributes to difficulties with sleep. You may find yourself lying in bed, thinking about what you need to do next, worrying about vendors and so much more. It’s important to let these anxieties go so that you can get the rest you need to function at your best.

Try these tips and tricks to reduce stress and get a better night’s sleep, especially on the eve of your big day.

Ask for help

Staying up late working on decorations can seriously cut into sleep time. Instead of trying to take it all on by yourself, get help. Ask your bridesmaids, family and friends to come over and work on wedding craft projects to take some of the load off.

Pass off duties that other people can handle. Ask your fiance to arrange the tuxes and take on some of the planning. Letting go of some duties may be difficult (we know you want to be in control), but it will also reduce your own workload.

Keep a journal for your thoughts

If you’re plagued by stressful thoughts and lots of what-ifs when you’re trying to get to sleep at night, consider keeping a journal by your bed. You can write down any thoughts that pop into your head. This process allows you to let them go so you can go to sleep knowing you’ll have that reference to take care of it in the morning, without having to remember it yourself.

Practice meditation and mindfulness

Relaxation techniques are one of the best ways to help you calm down and drift off to sleep at night. Consider mindful deep breathing and meditation. Take a warm bath, practice yoga, or try any other relaxation technique you know works for you.

Talk it out

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed about your wedding, or anything else, reach out. Therapy can be helpful, but even just calling up a friend to chat and vent will make a huge difference. Lean on your fiance and talk through what’s stressing you out. You will feel better just having laid out any issues that are causing you stress.

Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can make your sleep environment more relaxing and healthy. Consider using essential oils aimed at relaxation, like lavender.

Maintain healthy sleep hygiene

Create a comfortable, healthy sleep environment. If you need to buy a new mattress or blackout curtains to help, both are great investments in your health. Also avoid caffeine, heavy exercise and large meals right before bed. Maintain a regular sleep schedule and keep a consistent bed time to encourage you to sleep more easily.

Picture: Pexels

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