Virtual date night ideas for romance under lockdown

Virtual date night ideas for romance under lockdown

Trying to keep the romance alive while being separated from your love doesn’t have to be a stressful ordeal! There are many virtual options for a great date night.

You’re not alone as many couples around the world are figuring out how to navigate the world of love, while being stuck at home. To make things a little easier, here are some virtual date night ideas to try out:

– Take a virtual tour 

Since self-isolation and legally enforced quarantines are global, many facilities have decided to help ease cabin fever by making virtual tours available. Why not take advantage of this while you still can? You can see things from all around the world, with your partner (virtually) by your side, without leaving the comfort and safety of your room!

Here are some to check out:

  1. L.A.’s Getty Museum 
  2. The Louvre
  3. The Smithsonian’s Natural History
  4. The National Women’s History Museum’s NASA exhibit
  5. The San Diego Zoo live cam 
  6. Tennesee Aquarium’s River Otter Falls Cam 
  7. International Wolf Centre’s ambassador wolves

– Dig Deep 

If you’re looking to become closer during your time (physically) apart, answer The 36 Questions That Lead to Love. This little back and forth quiz was published in 2015 and is considered one of the best conversational road maps around. Find out more about each other, by asking questions you never thought about before.

– Distanced Dinner Date

Just because you’re in separate locations, doesn’t mean a dinner date is off the table. You can each get dressed up, grab some food, light some candles and eat together on a Skype call. Play some music in the background for that extra bit of mood-setting.

– Online games

The internet is filled multiplayer games for you and your partner to try out. Explore a new universe together, by playing online together. Some couples have even taken to gaming weddings.

– Watch a movie in sync

Use the chrome extension Netflix Party, to watch a movie together. The extension allows you to connect your Netflix accounts so that your movie plays at exactly the same time. There’s also a chat bar for running commentary between the two of you during the movie.

– Plan your next in person date 

If you haven’t already, you can spend some time together deciding on what you’ll do as soon as the lockdown is over. Plan a big, special date to celebrate being by each others sides again.

Also read: Pair have Animal Crossing wedding amid corona virus

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Image: Unsplash

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