6 Things to know when planning a cruise ship wedding

6 Things to know when planning a cruise ship wedding

You’re planning your big day and you’re deciding on venues. A beach, forest and traditional chapel have all crossed your mind, however, those options aren’t engrossing you. So why not think outside the box and set sail by having your wedding on a cruise ship? Here’s how to plan one:

There are many things to consider when planning a wedding on a cruise ship:

  • Will you get married in port or destination – If you choose port, your guests can come for the ceremony and leave before you sail away with your newlywed partner. Be sure to consult your wedding planner about this.
  • Decide if you and your partner will be taking the cruise by yourselves or with family and friends.
  • Consider your options if your guests are coming along.
  • How much can your guests afford and how long can they stay away.
  • Look for cruises that offer wedding packages or options.

1. Pick your destination

Maybe you’ve had your heart set on a specific place and if not, have a look at the options that fall within your budget. Consider when you’d like to go as it’s not always perfect weather year round, unfortunately. Remember, things get pricier in high season as well.

2. License to wed

Consult your wedding planner about this. Your romantic nautical nuptials will require a marriage license before the ceremony.

3. Take your pick

Once you’ve decided on a destination that fits your budget, have a look at various packages. See what each place has to offer and what their bundle entails. Do they have group rates? Do they include free things with the wedding package? Don’t be afraid to ask.

4. Communicate

Be sure to inform your guests well in advance. They may need to plan their leave and save up some money. Keep them updated on all the details and expenses that might come up.

5. Dress the part

If you’re going to be staying on the ship, it’s important to factor in your comfortability. It may not be easy to wear a constricting wedding dress on board. If that’s what you want, however, then go for it! But a cruise ship wedding is also the chance to make things more casual.

6. One-stop shop

You’ll be getting your ceremony, reception and honeymoon all in one go! If your loved ones come along it’s a great getaway for them too. Smiles all around.

Picture: Pexels

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