Honeymoon mistakes to avoid

Honeymoon mistakes to avoid

Honeymoon planning is technically part of wedding planning. The honeymoon usually takes place quite close to the wedding day, and this leaves you with very little time to make last minute adjustments. That’s why you should get ahead with organising.

If the trip is not well planned, it may leave you feeling a bit unsatisfied and disappointed. We wouldn’t want you to feel that way about – what should be – one of the most exciting, love-filled getaways of your life.

To help you out, and ensure that you have the best honeymoon possible, here are some honeymoon mistakes to avoid.

– Not doing your research 

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. In order for your trip to be all you’ve ever imagined it to be, unfortunately, you can’t rely on your imagination while planning.

You need to do research on destinations, to find out whether the places you want to go are affordable and if there are any customs and practices that you should take into consideration. Researching the destination will also tell you when their peak tourist times are, if that’s something you want to avoid. It’ll also give you an idea of the weather, which will definitely affect your decision.

If you’re doing research about your hotel, make sure you’re looking at reviews and not just the hotel’s webpages. This will give you a better idea of where you’ll be staying.

– Not setting a budget 

You should set a budget before you book anything. In fact, your plans should be based on the funds that you have. Decide on how much you can spend or are willing to spend on the trip as a whole. Then separate that into a budget including flights, hotels, activities, shopping and food. This way you won’t put yourselves into debt to finance your honeymoon.

Another smart move would be to put some money aside for unforeseen expenses. Anything can happen, and you wouldn’t want to be short of money in an unfamiliar place.

– Booking your tickets with your new name 

If you’re taking your partners last name, you’re probably excited to start using it. We understand! While you’re most definitely free to start using it in your day-to-day, it may be better to use your previous last name when booking your flights.

Changing your name on your passport and other identification documents will be a long process, and it most likely will not be completed in time. The name on your ticket needs to match the name on your passport, or you will not be allowed to board. Additionally, airlines charge a large fee to change ticket details.

– Planning to leave immediately after the wedding

We know that traditions can be difficult to break. Leaving for your honeymoon on the night of your wedding is one of the traditions you’ll have to try extra hard to avoid.

Leaving immediately will likely have you feeling tired and more stressed than you should be. The wedding day is long. Make sure you have at least a day or two to rest before you leave.

– Forgetting to tell people you’re on your honeymoon 

If you let the hotel know you’re on your honeymoon, they may give you some special treatment. Don’t miss out on fun treats and possible upgrades!

You should also ensure that the office knows you’re on your honeymoon. It would be unfortunate to be bothered  by work emails and calls all day.

– Doing too much or too little 

If you do too many activities, you may overspend and you may tire yourself out. But, if you do too little,  you’ll regret not experiencing the place you’re visiting. Activities are what makes a trip memorable. So make sure you’re doing enough to have all the fun, but not so much that you get no down time.

– Missing out on local cuisine and attractions

You may get caught up in the “honeymoon” of it all, spending all your time getting couples massages and having a luxurious time at the hotel. Make sure that you don’t miss out on all the things that your chosen destination has to offer. Local food and tourist attractions can make your honeymoon unique and unforgettable.

Image: Pexels 

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