Wedding plus-one etiquette: Rules for the couple

Wedding plus-one etiquette: Rules for the couple

You’re sitting with your fiancé, on the couch with a glass of wine, and chatting about your upcoming wedding. The two of you have compiled lists of people who are to be invited and it’s time for you to combine your lists. Shock and horror ensues as you realise how large your guest list really is!

You quickly try to find ways to shorten the list. Now you’re wondering (about the age-old question), “who really needs a plus one?”.

Here are some quick rules to help you decide:

– Married, engaged, or living together 

If your friend – whose partner is unknown to you –  is married, engaged, or living with their significant other, then they traditionally receive a plus-one on their invitation.

– The bridal party 

The previous rule does not apply to those who are in your bridal party. They should always receive a plus one, no matter what their relationship status is.

– Be clear about plus-ones 

Make sure that it is explicitly clear whether your guests are allowed plus-ones. You should indicate this information on the invitation. If you can, add the name of the person you expect that they will bring on the invitation.

– Seating 

If you’re being strict about plus-ones, you have to ensure that everyone will be comfortable where they are seated. Don’t seat one individual with only couples. It’s best to have a table or two dedicated to those people who have not be given the privilege of bringing a plus-one. This will make things much less uncomfortable.

– People who don’t need plus-ones 

There are certain people who never need a plus one, no matter what the rules are about being married, being engaged or whatever the case may be. Coworkers never need plus ones, guests who are close to you and will know other guests do not need plus ones, and those guests who have a partner who they are only casually dating do not need plus ones. You don’t have to feel bad it!

– Consider people who do need plus ones 

This is another one where the previous rules may not apply. If a guest requires assistance, perhaps they are disabled and need physical assistance for example, then they should be given a plus one. You have to be considerate of your guests, you wouldn’t want them to have a horrible time at your wedding.

Image: Unsplash 

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