The wedding Money Dance, explained

The wedding Money Dance, explained

A fascinating wedding tradition that’s present across many cultures is the Money Dance. Although it’s slightly different in each iteration, the basis of all the customs is that at the wedding reception, guests offer the newlyweds money while they are dancing. This is meant to help establish their life together and express everyone’s appreciation for them.

In some traditions, the money is pinned to the bride and groom as they dance with guests while in others, it is thrown over them on the dance floor like confetti.

Here are some of the ways different cultures practice this tradition with cash:


A Yoruba tradition, to begin with, it has spread across Nigeria with all different groups participating. Called a Money Spray, the bride and groom are encircled by guests on the dance floor before each comes forward to place the bill on their head, letting it fall down around them. The practice symbolises happiness, good fortune and affection.


For Filipino people across the world, the tradition has the male guests pin money to the bride while the women pin money to the groom. This adds an element to the bride and grooms outfits, with cash being made into sashes, garlands, crowns and even decorating the bride’s veil.


There is an old tradition in Greece to pin money to the brides dress and this has followed some Greek nationals across the world. It has changed among immigrant communities, with some practising a money shower while others still prefer to pin.


In Poland, there is an even more elaborate tradition. Guests like up to dance with the bride and hand over cash to the bride’s father who is carrying a special apron. The Pani Mloda Polka is traditionally played and guests get a drink, in the form of a shot, as thanks for their contribution.


Another unique twist, the male guests dance with the bride while the women dance with the groom. During this part of the event, the bride removes her shoes into which guests put their money as they pass them around.

Picture: @WestinSanJose/Twitter

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