9 guidelines for father of the groom

9 guidelines for father of the groom

The mother of the bride role comes with clear and concise instructions. So do the roles of father of the bride and maid of honour – but one of the most important, yet often overlooked roles, is that of the father of the groom.

As times change, the duties allocated to the groom’s father have too, so if you’re unsure what to expect here are some unspoken guidelines.

1. Suit up
Possibly one of the most important duties of the groom’s father is that of suit selection. A son will often rely on his father to help pick out the perfect attire for his big day, give him a few tips and even make sure the tailor fit is just right.

If the groom and groomsmen have an appointment for suit fittings the groom’s father should naturally attend as well and might be able to cash in on a discount along with the group.

It is also important that you look the part for the big day so make sure you take your own fitting seriously.

2. Offer to pay for wedding costs
It’s no secret that weddings cost a pretty penny – one of the most important ways to be involved and supportive of your son’s commitment is to be financially supportive.

Offer up whatever you can to go towards the big day and ask where budget is needed.

3. Attend or host the rehearsal dinner
It some traditions the groom’s parents host the rehearsal dinner. This is the perfect opportunity for the groom’s father to step up and take centre stage to coordinate the night. Keep in mind what your son’s interests are, make sure the rehearsal is something that reflects his personality.

4. Help where you can
When it comes to weddings, there are so many aspects to consider and things to be done. As a supportive and proactive father of the groom, it is your duty to help where you can. Ensure you don’t limit your helpfulness to any specific duties and try your best to be available if needed. If you have a particular expertise that might come in handy, don’t be shy to offer.

5. Hang out with the boys
When the morning of the wedding arrives, it’s the father of the groom’s duty to hang with the boys and provide extra emotional support before the big event.

It’s important to supportive, positive and maybe even share a few funny stories about the groom’s childhood with his good friends to calm the nerves.

Compliment your son on his wedding-day look and make him feel confident and ready to take to the alter. This is a special moment to give him some marital advice.

6. Dance with the bride
It may seem like a small feat but those father’s out there with two left feet may see this one as a challenge.

The groom’s father is somewhat expected to prepare themselves for taking to the floor, especially when it comes to dancing with the bride.

Join in on the celebrations and make sure you’re comfortable with a little slow dancing.

7. Greet Guests
It goes without saying the the father of the groom should be prepared to greet guests, especially in the receiving line.

Don’t be shy and put on your best, most welcoming smile while tending to each person who has come to share the special day with the lucky couple.

8. Enjoy
You can’t attend such an important day without enjoying it. Make sure you spend your time at the wedding well and smile, dance, eat and be merry.

9. Say a little something
Last but certainly not least, prepare a speech to. It can often be a daunting task to put your thoughts on paper and especially to read them out to a room full of people, but this is your chance to rise above the nerves.

Your speech does not have to be lengthly, in fact short and sweet is better.

Make sure you put your heart into whatever you have to say, its not everyday that you get to share the first day of the rest of your child’s life with them and send them off with words that they will surely remember for years and years to come.


Picture: Pixabay

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