Magnificent marquise shaped engagement rings

Magnificent marquise shaped engagement rings

A truly unique shape, the marquise engagement ring is for the bride that wants to stand out. It has a rich history and eye-catching design for the adventurous soul.

If you’re on the market for a rock to decorate your fingers, here is what you need to know.

The marquise shape has a an interesting French historical background. According to Shimansky, the shape was created for Louis the XIV, a monarch who ruled as the King of France.

“Legend holds that Louis the XIV, also known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, wanted a diamond that would be as brilliant and in a shape that could match the smile of the Marquise of Pompadour. And that was how the Marquise shape diamond was born. Because of its shape, it is sometimes also known as “navette” (little boat),” they explain.

The stone has 58 facets and a slender, elongated shape that is characterised by two sharp points on either end of it. It typically has a length to width ratio of 1.75 – 2.25 to 1, with the ideal ratio being 2 to 1.

Thanks to its long shape, this cut makes the diamond appear to be of greater weight and size than it actually is. It’s shape can also have the ‘bowtie’ effect, in which the diamond appears to take on the shape of a bow tie due to the absence of light reflection in the table of the diamond. This can easily be solved by adding more facets to the crown of the stone.

Creating the perfect marquise shape diamond takes expert skill and technique because of its distinct shape. It has to be perfectly proportioned or else it won’t deliver the optimum amount of brilliance. When on the market, be sure to ensure the stone is symmetrical.

This stone is perfect for those wanting to grab attention. Like most other shapes, it elongates the fingers and its unique shape makes the stone appear much larger. Those with extroverted personalities will love this shape that offers an unrivalled charm.

Feature image: Pinterest

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